Industrialist with
a Great Human Face

Shri Vasant Gajera has become the Synonym of pro-existence, the human responsibility very few successful people realize and respond. He is truly an Industrialist with a human face and of course, a great Philanthropist.

Contribution in Social Work


Educational Initiatives

The institutions of Smt. S.H. Gajera Charitable Trust span across 9 campuses, comprising a network of 18 schools, 4 colleges, and an orphanage ‘Vatsalya Dham’.

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Health Initiatives

The Trust in association with Laxmi Diamond Group of Companies and other organizations have supported various health initiatives: blood donation drives.


Community Service

Serving the community has been a passion and a fundamental reason why Gajera Trust exists. The founders of the Trust and the torchbearers have always conformed.

Activeness and dedication can get you the things, you have always wished for – Vasant Gajera

The foundation of Gajera Trust was laid in the loving memory of our mother, Smt. Shantaben Haribhai Gajera. Since its inception, the philosophy of the trust and its founding members has been focused on progressive growth for people.

We live with a belief to empower every soul and to be a supporting arm to the society. We want to spread what all of us want “One Happiness”.

Gajera Trust work closely in rural development and ensure that all lives get an equal value. Vasant Gajera’s vision is to rehabilitate each and every child, enabling them to achieve the highest level of their ability and self-reliance. Our initiative, ‘Vatsalya Dham’, brings back the soul and prepares children for challenges and opportunities, both in and out of the classroom.

In 2014, Shri Vasant Gajera was conferred the title of “Vatan Na Ratan” by the people of Amreli for his “invaluable contribution towards the society and its welfare; his diligence, integrity and hard work”.

Video Gallery

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