SR. No. Name Awarding Organization
1 Mass Marriage Initiaitve – Appreciation Shree Saurashtra Leuva Patel Seva Samaj, Navsari
2 Educational Initiatives – Appreciation Shree Sardar Patel Kelvani Mandal, Jetpur
3 Social Talent Award Shree Khodaldham Yuva Samithi, Surat
4 Mass Marriage Initiative – Appreciation Shree P. P. Savani Trust, Surat
5 Excellence International Award R. K. HIV Research and Care Centre, Surat
6 Appreciation Shree Panjrapol Gaushala, Amreli
7 Appreciation Medical Association, Katargam, Surat
8 Mass Marriage Initiative – Appreciation J. P. Vastpara Charitable Trust
9 Appreciation Shree Vataliya Prajapati Samaj, Amreli
10 Appreciation Shree Leuva Patel Samaj Kadkhad
11 Appreciation Peetvajal Village
12 Appreciation Shree Gurjar Sagar Gnati Trust, Amreli
13 Appreciation Lions Club, Amreli
14 Appreciation Lilya Taluka Leuva Patel Samaj
15 Bhojaldham Temple Establishment Fatehpur, Amreli
16 Appreciation Kalavad Taluka Leuva Patel Samaj
17 Appreciation Shree Patel Seva Samaj, Dahida
18 Appreciation for the Medical Initiative Shree Samast Patidar Arogya Trust, Kiran Hospital, Surat
19 Appreciation Shree Leuva Patel Samaj, Bagasara
20 Appreciation Shree Saurashtra Patel Seva Samaj, Surat
21 Appreciation Shree Lions Cancer Detection Centre, Surat
22 Appreciation Samast Patidar Samaj, Surat
23 Appreciation Seva Setu Trust
24 Appreciation Sardar Patel Education, Surat
25 Sardar Jewel Award Shree Sardar Pragati mandal, Datrana
26 Appreciation Khati Kshatriya Seva Samaj, Amreli
27 Appreciation Shree Leuva Patel Samaj, Thori
28 Appreciation Barot Samaj Trust, Amreli
29 Appreciation Khambaliya Village
30 Appreciation Amreli Dumb Deaf Seva Trust
31 Appreciation Amreli Municipality
32 Appreciation Swami Narayan Gurukul, Ved Road, Surat
33 Appreciation Saurashtra Patel Seva Samaj
34 Appreciation Amreli Jilla Khodaldham Samiti
35 Appreciation Swami Vivekananda Vidhybharti Trust
1 Golden Jubilee Award Saurashtra Patel Samaj, Mumbai
2 Appreciation The Mumbai Diamond Merchant Association
3 Appreciation Patel Social Group, Mumbai
4 Laxmi Diamond Pvt Ltd – “Most Socially Responsible Company” (2014) The Gem and Jewellery Export Promotion Council of India
5 GJEPC award for 7 consecutive years (1999 – 2006) – the Second Largest Exporter of Polished Diamonds The Gem and Jewellery Export Promotion Council of India
6 Life Time Achievement (2010) 6th Gemfields Retail Jeweller Awards
7 Laxmi Diamond Pvt Ltd – Social Work (2014) Gem and Jewellery Export Promotion Council
8 Laxmi Diamond Pvt Ltd – Social Work (2015) Gem and Jewellery Export Promotion Council
9 Laxmi Diamond Pvt Ltd – Social Work (2019) Gem and Jewellery Export Promotion Council
10 Laxmi Diamond Pvt Ltd – Social Work (2021) Gem and Jewellery Export Promotion Council
1 Milistar NY Inc. – the ‘2nd biggest US importer from India’ award for 3 consecutive years (2001 – 2003)
2 Laxmi Diamond (HK) Ltd. – Largest Importer Award (2005) The Gem and Jewellery Export Promotion Council of India

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