Activeness and dedication can get you the things, you have always wished for

Born on May 25, 1954 in a middle class agricultural family in Amreli, Shri Vasantbhai Haribhai Gajera had a very humble beginning. With a determined mind of realizing something ‘meaningful’ through his life and to carry out the family responsibilities. he set out to Surat with his parents’ blessings in 1968 to join the Diamond Industry. Working as a diamond novice, he learnt the art-of-diamond in the shortest span of four years. Gradually he became an entrepreneur thus launching the renowned Laxmi Diamond, Surat in 1972.

Laxmi Diamond Pvt.Ltd. the company that stands for trust, innovation, value and vision has already achieved the global reckoning with its presence in USA, Europe, Middle East and Asia. Since 1995, Laxmi Diamond has been appointed as the Sightholder by DTC. The company has been decorated with a number of prestigious awards for being the best in the Industry and for being the carrier of the best human and industry practices.

Cygnus, the designer jewellery brand that was launched in 2003 has its wide spectrum across India through its flagship stores, departmental stores, online and through dedicated partners’ portals. Other successful jewellery brands that make international reputation include “NOOR” and “Gabrielle”. A series of real estate and business ventures initiated by Shri Vasantbhai have been the monuments of quality, craftsmanship and have greatly contributed to the economic advancement of Gujrat state.

Shri Vasantbhai has been always eager to return to his brethren and community more than what he received. Smt Shantaben Haribhai Gajera Charitable Trust, founded in 1993 in loving memory of his mother, today runs 09 campuses in Gujarat – 17 schools, 7 professional colleges, 1 medical college and Vatsalyadham (home for the disadvantaged) – thus molding and enhancing the lives of more than 50000 students.

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